A Grinch Gospel

I had the opportunity to write a gospel “tract” for our church’s first neighborhood Christmas Tree lighting. The theme of our party was taken from Dr. Suess’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, of whom it was said after his heart change, “Maybe Christmas means a little more.” Taking the idea of Christmas meaning more, I wrote this…

“It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags…What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more…” – Dr. Suess

The more of Christmas is more than a season.
It’s more than a wish, a thought or a reason.
The more that is more is more than a feeling,
it’s rooted in hope, a promise so appealing.

The more of Christmas is a promise kept,
a promise to undo what sin and death left,
a promise so strong, a love even stronger,
left death without sting, a power no longer.

The more of Christmas is a person not a thing,
a flesh and blood Son who brought into being,
a love so intense, a love so divine,
a love that would enter your heart and mine,

The more of Christmas is a gift freely given,
a cross into which three nails were driven,
a life for a life was the gift received,
for all who would trust in Christ and believe,

The more of Christmas is your heart to give,
to the one who saves and bids you live.

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